Help your teachers find you quickly on BAND! We need your profile names to match the name that you used in Studio Director when signing up your dancer. Profile names that are incomplete or do not match what you used when you registered will be deleted for privacy and safety.
Login to BAND- you can do this from the mobile app or on a laptop/computer by visiting
1) From the mobile app
Click on any BAND group that you are a part of
Click on the wheel on the bottom right hand side
Click on "My Settings"
Click on "Band Profile"
In this section- set your name to your first and last name as listed in Studio Director. Set the "Role In The Group" line to your dancers name
Click "Done"
2) From a computer
Click any BAND group that you are a part of
Click "Band Settings" on the left hand side
Under Band Settings click "Change"
In this section- set your name to your first and last name as listed in Studio Director. Set the "Role In The Group" line to your dancers name
Click OK to complete